Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Log Home Package and the Bid

We for sure can't complain about the late fall weather here in Minnesota. Yesterday it was mid 60's! It is perfect weather to make progress on our recent log home start. Some may think we shut down for the winter and only build spring through fall but that isn't true. We keep projects running all year. What we see is people want to get the use of their cabin or lake lot for the summer and into the fall. After they are done for the season we will come in and do the tear down and excavating and have their project wrapped up in time for them the following spring.

As everyone knows it can get confusing while comparing the offerings of the log home packages from company to company. Maybe you have it narrowed down to one or two companies and its time to get down to details. You may have a bid and need to decipher what is and isn't included to figure out which route is best. There is one item that doesn't come up as often as it should and that is material shortages. You need to ask who covers the expense if the project ends up with a few logs short, not enough roofing or other building materials. Some log home companies bid it per plan and will cover the shortages as long as the home is being built per plan and materials are being used as designated. If the builder made a wrong cut then that is a different situation! Other companies only send out so much material and if things come up short it is up to you to cover the shortages. Most of the time there is an error in materials it isn't a large amount but regardless it can add expense that you weren't counting on. So, ask your log home company or dealer what their policy is on shortages in materials.