Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Log homes for 2011

Well, here we are nearing the end of 2010 already. Not sure how that happened but it is a reality. Winter has arrived and made its presence known here where I'm at. Snow is on the ground and this mornings temperatures were below zero. Windows are getting delivered next week at our job site in northern Minnesota. Progress is slow and steady due to the weather but things are getting done. It'll be nice to get the windows installed and some temporary heat running on the inside.

As 2011 gets closer, it is time to start thinking of getting going on those log home plans if you are thinking of a spring start. Six months can fly by so fast during the planning process. Call your log home company that you are working with and get to the next stage in planning, log home package and pricing. It isn't a bad idea to call your lender either and give them an update on where you are at with the planning. Once the plans are completed make sure you get them to the builder as early as possible so they can get their numbers together as well as get bids from the excavator, foundation contractor and everyone else that will be involved.

Speaking of the log home builder, make sure your builder knows the product. Right now a lot of builders are needing and looking for work. Has the builder you are going to be working with experienced with log home construction? If they aren't, do you want them learning on your dream log home? Yes, any good builder can get the hang of it but if they haven't worked with logs before they may not know how to bid it. They may bid it too high being they don't want to come up too short. Or, they may be way too low and then try hurrying through the process or worse yet ask for more money or walk off the job. It has happened before to too many people. Quality log home builders bid the jobs competitively, they know what it takes and I've never had anyone say at the end of the job that the builder didn't earn what they made. Bidding experience comes with building experience in log homes. Everyone has a neighbors brothers uncles kid that is willing to work for cheap. Stay away from them and go with a reputable log home builder. You have one shot at a proper build.

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